Want to accelerate your business and amplify your joy? 

The Joy|Money Matrix is a mental model (basically an XY axis) that requires you to categorize everything in your life according to JOY and REVENUE. 

For those seasoned entrepreneurs who want to know more about engaging with the Joy|Money Matrix process, I made a video for you. It introduces you to the JMM and shows you how you might apply its principles to your own business. By the end, you'll know whether or not the Joy|Money Matrix is right for you. 

An actual, real live Matrix. The sticky notes are vital to the process.

An actual, real live Matrix. The sticky notes are vital to the process.

The JMM is Simple.

The Joy|Money Matrix is a simple and elegant mental model that helps creative entrepreneurs make better decisions about their lives and businesses. With customized sticky notes! 

It asks you to pay attention to what brings you joy and to what brings you revenue.

That way, those of you who like to combine heart and head (or logic and intuition) can have a two piece framework that speaks both to the tangible and to the ephemeral. 

The Joy|Money Matrix is insightful, holding, healing, clarifying and full of possibility...a place to connect the dots and rearrange the entire picture.
— Elana Slott, creator of Conscious Conception
The JMM helps you crystalize your priorities like never before. Including that trip to Paris...

The JMM helps you crystalize your priorities like never before. Including that trip to Paris...

The JMM is Profound

The JMM will show you visually what changes you can make in your business and life. It will show you where you're procrastinating, what you can delegate, what products and services to focus on and which social media to chuck. 

It will also let you know what relationships don't serve you, why you don't always get the results you want, and what you can do to allow things to just flow.

The Joy|Money Matrix showed me what a huge amount of content I’ve produced but that I’m not actually promoting. I’m now committed to promoting my content more and enjoying everything that goes along with it- more sales, more visibility and knowing that my work is helping more people. I adore Lauren and often refer to her as the genius and here she is again creating something remarkable.
— Jennifer Urezzio, creator of Soul Language
Once you have access to the workshop, you always have access!

Once you have access to the workshop, you always have access!

the JMM is Reusable

This is a product that I want you to use the heck out of! We all have some programs/products sitting around on our computers that we've barely touched. I created the JMM to be something that you come back to again and again and again. 

Some people are using it for monthly or quarterly planning. Others refer to it (no joke) every single day. The point is, let this be a tool that supports your highest good, that supports your phenomenal creative energies, that supports your most massive action and biggest revenue yet.




The Joy|Money Matrix is a good time! I encourage you to make the process as retreat-like as possible and happen to think the videos are occasionally humorous. 

Further, it doesn't take forever to complete and it's not difficult to start implementing your insights immediately- even the same day! 



So, what exactly IS it? 

The JMM is at its essence a tool for consistent decision-making. It helps creative entrepreneurs make strategic decisions by taking into account both joy and revenue.

You can experience the JMM in two ways: 

  1. Hire a Certified Facilitator to work with you 1:1 or in a small group (starts around $2000).
  2. Purchase the JMM and do it from the comfort of your own home. I offer three levels starting at $395.


Here are how some business owners are using this tool to create more joy and more money: 

Content Marketing Strategy- Use the JMM process to assess your content by where it falls on your matrix. Discover untapped sources of content as well as those mediums that no longer serve you and your goals. 

Lifestyle Design- Long to take more trips, finally start meditating, or want to prioritize your self-care? The JMM can show you exactly what activities will maximize your joy while still prioritizing the sustainability of your business. 

Product/Services Mix- Have you been hanging on to a product, service or target market for too long? The JMM can shed light on those products and services that are business bright spots and which are dragging you down. N.B. This portion often surprises biz owners.

Growing a Team/Delegation- The Joy|Money Matrix is one of the best tools for building the right team that I can think of. In clear colored stickies, you'll see exactly what elements of your business you'd better delegate and at what point that becomes possible from a cash flow perspective.