Join the Joy|Money Matrix Family
Hiya! I'm so glad you're here. I’d love to share with you how some of our Certified Facilitators are using the Matrix with their clients.
A recent JMM workshop!
Group workshops and retreats
You can host JMM workshops and retreats for small (and large) groups. Some facilitators use it for Joy|Money Matrix themed retreats while others combine their own concepts and processes with the JMM to create an amazing multi-layered experience for their participants.
1:1 Work with Business owners
Host high value VIP days with your clients using the Joy|Money Matrix framework and let it do the heavy lifting for you. Certified Facilitators find that the JMM makes VIP days effortless and joyful!
Looks like fun!
JMM for Corporate!
Work with executives and teams
The JMM is not exclusive to entrepreneurs. Certified Facilitators are successfully using it with mid and high level executives and their teams. It has proven particularly good for facilitating better management of direct reports.
Here's another delightful message from Beth, a Master Certified Facilitator:
As a Certified Joy|Money Matrix Facilitator, you receive access to the Certified Facilitator Portal.
This includes:
Your own Joy|Money Matrix Box (a $495 value)
Access to all the online workshop materials
Outlines of sample workshops for individuals and small groups to help you schedule and conduct your own events with ease
PDFs to reproduce and use with your own clients
Wholesale cost on re-ordering branded JMM supplies
Support to conduct workshops that focus on specific challenges including: management/teams, business model, content marketing strategy, business strategy, products and services
Marketing ideas and support to spread the word about your new offering
This is an screenshot of the Facilitator Portal.
A note from Lauren (creator of the JMM):
Hi biz owner! I'm really excited that you're here and hope that you have had a chance to go through your own Joy|Money Matrix experience.
This tool is very dear to my heart and one of the most amazing things about it is that my licensees are building their businesses by using it.
From its inception, my Certified Facilitators began testing how this tool would work in their businesses, with their clients.
The results have been truly remarkable. Their clients have given the Matrix rave reviews, have uncovered new streams of revenue and are using it to transform their businesses and lives.
My Certified Facilitators are happy because their clients are happy. But their results are possibly even more amazing.
One Certified Facilitator no longer feels drained after a full day with a VIP client or small group. Another has had her biggest revenue month EVER since incorporating the JMM into her own bodies of work. And another sees the JMM as the foundation of her coaching methodology.
These are fantastic results and I'm proud to share them.
And I would love to receive an email from you (in the not too distant future) telling me about the massive success that you and your clients are enjoying as a result of the Joy|Money Matrix.
If you'd like more information about the licensing process, please submit your information below. Here's to joy and money!
Start your JMM License application here, or just get more info!