This post first appeared on Shannon's blog. She wrote it about her JMM client Nukhet and I'm publishing it here with her permission.
We’ve been talking a lot about JOY the past few weeks and how clarity can bring that euphoric joy that at many times we lack as entrepreneurs. We have our ups, our downs, our oh-shit moments, and moments of sheer confusion and loneliness. Let’s not forget the moments of What the hell should I be doing right now?, followed by another check-in on Facebook.
But on the other side of those struggles, not so far away, just over the hump if you will, is joy. Joy that comes from what only clarity and alignment and a deep inner knowing can bring. Joy that isn’t mixed with overwhelming downs and oh-shits and confusion and isolation.
I’d like you to meet Nukhet Hendricks and hear her story.
Nukhet is a fire-cracker if I have ever seen one! She is building a leadership coaching business, and she has several stories she was no longer willing to live: the Turkish immigrant who was ridiculed for her accent, the worker who was told she was too strong for a woman—and needed to tone it down.
Prior to working with me, Nukhet was having trouble defining what she did and the types of clients she wanted to work with. She desired to stand on a stage and deliver her message to many, and she wanted to have a global impact on women and girls, teaching them that leadership is NOT just a man’s world, and that women need to rise up and lead fearlessly, if we are going to experience true change in the world.
Two months ago, Nukhet experienced the powerful work I have been doing with Thought Leaders when she enrolled in the Joy|Money Matrix™ + Marketing Alignment Intensive. Since going through this in-depth process which requires one to look at all areas of their life, take stock in their joy, and then market from THAT place, her life and business has completely changed.
In fact, I caught up with Nukhet this week, and here’s what she wanted to share with you:
“The Joy|Money Matrix™ program has been life-changing for me. Working through this program led me to clarity like none other about my life; both personal and professional!
Here is what has been happening since January:
1. I got very clear on what I LOVE doing and why; hence the clarity around my purpose.
2. I redesigned my programs in my business. They are now aligned with my purpose, vision and mission. Delivering them brings me immense joy while being transformational for my clients.
3. Two former clients contacted me, expressing their desire to continue to work with me; because they are ready for their next level of personal and professional growth.
4. I got booked for speaking engagements in Tampa, FL and Washington D.C.
5. I got booked for a speaking engagement in London, England; therefore actualizing my desire to have a global reach.
6. For the first time since I started my business, I am not anxious about my business.
7. I now have enough time to grow my business and have fun too because I am clear on what is for me to do, what I need to delegate and what I need to let go!
8. Creating authentic content has become easier.
9. I now operate in my zone of genius because when I am working on my business, I am energized, not drained; I can do this work for the rest of my life! Now I know for certain; I was born to do this, like Joan of Arc said.
10. To my husband’s absolute delight, I finally have time to go on dates with him, instead of telling him I am too busy or tired.
11. Last but not least, I find that I have the energy and the desire to take exquisite care of myself; emotionally, physically and mentally instead of pushing it to the bottom of my priority list.
JMM is now my go to tool every quarter to stay in alignment with my joy, my life, and money.”
I want to be VERY clear here: This is not an outlier testimonial, a flash-in-the-pan-success that is unique to Nukhet. I have led at least 40 entrepreneurs through this process so far, and over 87% of them have had such clarity in their life and business that their marketing became JOYFUL and has led to more money, more visibility, more time, and more freedom.